Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Week 9 Final Year Project 2

Date: 21 March 2018

Time: 3.00 p.m

Place: Library


- To discuss the abstract writing, poster preparation, and project presentation during the Industry Day.


- The abstract writing should not normally exceed 350 words in one paragraph includes a brief statement of the problem, a concise description of the research method and design, summary of major findings including the significance or the lack of it, and conclusions. The abstract is a digest of the entire thesis and should be given the same careful attention as the main text. Reference to literature is not normally made in the abstract. 

- The poster preparation should include the:
  1.  Title, student name, programme
  2. Objective
  3. Project description
  4. Methodology
  5. Flow Chart
  6. Result, Conclusion
  7. References

- Here the guidline the poster preparation during the Industry Day.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Week 8 Final Year Project 2

Date: 14 March 2018

Time: 3.00 p.m

Place: Library


- To find the alternative way to display the real-time result when connected to the wifi instead of the Blynk application. 


-  Today, I found the other application instead of Blynk application to display the real-time result when connect to the Wifi such as ThinkSpeak. This application is an open source Internet of Things application and API to store and retrieve data from things using the HTTP protocol over the Internet or via a Local Area Network. ThingSpeak enables the creation of sensor logging applications, location tracking applications, and a social network of things with status updates. It can Collect, Analyze and Act which has many applications to be use in ThinkSpeak. 

Image result for thing speak

The application ThinkSpeak

- Send sensor data privately to the cloud.
There are sensors all around in homes, smart phones, automobiles, city infrastructure, and industrial equipment. Sensors detect and measure information on all sorts of things like temperature, humidity, and pressure. It communicate that data in some form, such as a numerical value or electrical signal.
Sensors, or things, sense data and typically act locally. ThingSpeak enables sensors, instruments, and websites to send data to the cloud where it is stored in either a private or a public channel. ThingSpeak stores data in private channels by default, but public channels can be used to share data with others. Once data is in a ThingSpeak channel, it can analyze and visualize it, calculate new data, or interact with social media, web services, and other devices.
Image result for thing speak
The real-time result


Sunday, 11 March 2018

Week 7 Final Year Project 2

Date: 7 March 2018

Time: 3.00 p.m

Place: Library


 - To find the connection of the MQ-135 gas sensor and DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor to the ESP8266 module.


-  Today, I want to find the connection of the gas sensor and temperature sensor to the ESP8266 module. Means that, there are two inputs for the sensors to the ESP8266. So, I was choose D1 and D2 as the inputs known as GPI05 (D1) and GPI04 (D2). For the MQ-135 gas sensor is connect to the GPI05 and for the temperature sensor is connect to the GPI04. The ESP8266 has 30 pins inputs and one USB power output. The special of this hardware is the ESP8226 can has same function of the Arduino Uno R3 but it have the wifi module to connect to the wifi. 

[NEW] LoLin V3 NodeMcu ESP8266 IoT Lua WIFI Development Board 
The 30 inputs pins in the ESP8266

-  For MQ-135 gas sensor features are wide detecting scope, stable and long life, fast response and high sensitivity and simple drive circuit. The application used for in air quality control equipments for buildings/office, are suitable for detecting of NH3, NOx, alcohol, Benzene, smoke, carbon dioxide gas. The resistance value of MQ-135 is difference to various kinds and various concentration gases. So, when using this components, sensitivity adjustment is very necessary. The recommendation that calibrate the detector for 100ppm NH3 or 50 ppm Alcohol concentration in air and use value of Load resistance about 20k ohms (10k ohms to 47k ohms).

[NEW] LoLin V3 NodeMcu ESP8266 IoT Lua WIFI Development Board
 The ESP8266 module

- When accurately measuring, the proper alarm point for the gas detector should be determined after considering the temperature and humidity influence. The detecting concentration scope:
  • 100 - 300ppm NH3
  • 10ppm - 1000ppm
  • Benzene - 10ppm - 300ppm
  • Alcohol 

Week 6 Final Year Project 2

Date: 28 February 2018

Time: 3.00 p.m

Place: Library


- To run the temperature and humidity sensor hardware by using the NodeMCU 0.9 ESP-12 Module after the simulation on the Proteus.  


- I do the testing the temperature and humidity sensor with NodeMCU 0.9 ESP-12 Module to see how it works. Here the connection of the ESP with the sensor. The pin of (+) connected to 3V of the sensor to the ESP, the pin of (-) connected to the Gnd and the pin (OUT) connected to the D2 (GPI04). The humidity and temperature sensor were detected the parameters in degree Celcius (*C) for temperature and percentage of the humidity (%). The reading were changed when the temperature were high or low and humidity were low or high. 

Here the changes of the temperature and humidity parameters when the sensors were detected. The higher the temperature, the lower the humidity. While the lower the temperature, the higher the humidity. But, some cases the humidity is high with the temperature are remain same or unchanged. So, based on the testing hardware the sensor were working successful to detect the humidity and temperature parameters.