Wednesday 1 November 2017

Week 12 Final Year Project 1

Date: 25 October 2017

Time: 3.00 p.m

Place: TTL 1

 Today, I had final FYP briefing at TTL 1. In this briefing, the speaker told the students about the assessment marks during the Final Year Project 1. The details are below:

1) Blog - 30%
2) Proposal presentation - 35%
3) Report - 35%

 - The presentation of FYP 1 will postpone from 8 November 2017 to 22 November 2017 at Gemilang Hall, Unikl BMI. 

Based on the previous studies, DHT11 is known as a basic and digital temperature and humidity sensor. It is best adapted to this project due to cost saving.  

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