Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Week 1 Final Year Project 2

Date: 24 January 2018

Time: 3.00 p.m

Place: Library UniKL BMI


-To survey the price of the humidity and temperature sensor DHT22 and also the Arduino Compatible DCCduino UNO R3 - SMD Atmel ATMEGA 328P V3.


- Today, I want to survey the price of the sensor which is humidity and temperature DHT22 via online and Arduino Compatible DCCduino UNO R3 - SMD Atmel ATMEGA 328P V3. The sensors have a very low-cost and affordable to buy.

Arduino Compatible DCCduino UNO R3 - SMD Atmel ATMEGA 328P V3

 DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor

  • The DHT22 is a basic, low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. 
  • It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data pin (no analog input pins needed). 
  • Its fairly simple to use, but requires careful timing to grab data. 
  • The only real downside of this sensor is you can only get new data from it once every 2 seconds, so when using our library, sensor readings can be up to 2 seconds old.

- The price on the Arduino Compatible DCCduino UNO R3 - SMD Atmel ATMEGA 328P V3 is only RM 27.50 include the shipping cost RM 8.00. While the price for the DHT22 is only RM 29.50 include also the shipping cost. The total cost so far RM 57.00.

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